
Heranush Arshakyan Poem Analysis

The following poems are all written by Heranush Arshakyan. The version to the left is the English translation, and the picture to the right is the Armenian version.

Title Unknown

The sweet gentle zephyr
Embraced the face of the sea,
And delicately mixed the waves to the seashore.
Many a night,
I went there myself,
And for hours at end,
I stood there, fixing my gaze,
On that beautiful sight.

Title Unknown

I drank the bitter cup of life to the end.
It painted my lips with blood.
I stamped out any kindness left within me,
As I stomped away my heart's feeling.

My tears dried out in my eyes
As I ached within, voiceless.
And I lulled myself with words until dawn,
The sources of my hopes tarrying away.

My blood dried out drop by drop,
And my body ached with my soul.
The obscurity and silence of eternity
Fast hovered over me, engulfing me in its grip.

Lord, You made pain my lot,
And I submissively complied to your wish.
Lord, what a heavy burden you put on my shoulders,
It robbed me of all of my strength.


By the window where the subtle April rays
Come through almost subdued,
The young maiden is sitting down, embroidering.

The hours and days are sliding by,
So fast and empty,
That the maiden, unaware, keeps on working,
Oblivious of her destiny.

And the days go by looking the same,
Silently and colorless...
The dull month of March
Bored the maiden so much,
That quite bothered, she dropped her needle and stopped.

The spring sun started then shining through the ethers,
And made the young maiden to look up at her mirror,
Her heart was very hopeful, she remembered
It had been long since last she had consulted it,
It sat there collecting dust.

She froze astonished, at her own image,
Her long dark curls had given way to snowy ones.
As a tear dropped from her eyes,
As she suddenly realized how fast had time flown by her.

Title Unknown

Mother dear, don't you know I have given up seeing you.
I carry my cross to be able to send you,
A little something to survive.

While all alone in the hole,
I try to slumber,
Hoping maybe then I wouldn't long so much for you.
I sleep away quietly.

Title Unknown

So why are you so beautiful,
Oh night, oh flower, oh tree, oh wave, oh moon?
Why are you all laughing?
When the oil lamp casts its light,
And the beautiful eyes are drowning in tears.


Everything - You the sea,
You the stars, you the sky and the ship!
STOP, it is enough, it is enough
For you to so joyously smile to the world,
And the orphans alike!

Title Unknown

You and I are different, quite different.
You take the wide way,
Happy and carefree.
Whereas I, dreading to fall,
Take the steep slope,
And I walk in tears.

Title Unknown

The path I walk is called the highway to pain.
The ones who come across its way,
Can't walk away fast enough.
You engage upon the way to happiness.
However, you are only a traveler like me,
Embarking upon a long journey like mine.

Alas, we are both to meet at the brink of the abyss,
But first, we have to cross the black bridge of death,
You, happy and I, forlorn.
When we first meet face to face,
Whose eyes are going to pour out tears?

Title Unknown

In the dark recesses of my heart,
There lives a light.
Such as the crazy, vagrant fire,
Shining upon the swamp,
Gives out its rays.
I keep it going with infinite care,
For it stirs the direction of my soul,
Away from the darkness.
It protects me from falling into that abyss, hopeless
As it saves me from ultimate destruction.
Oh God, You lighted that fire in my heart,
Let it please always shine there bright and strong.

Title Unknown

In the circle of pain that engulfs me,
I sometimes have flashes of memories of happier times
That carry me back to those better days.


The twilight is coming to a close,
I am tired, little mother.
Let me sleep on your shoulder,
Sweet and sound.
I know how to sleep,
But now I am unable to fall asleep.
But at least I can cry
My sad unfamiliar predicament.
I haven't yet made peace
With my demise.
I tremble in the night,
As the wind blows in the trees'
Although the black fire of pain
Rages within unchecked...
The end is near, tomorrow morning...
When dawn breaks, from my cold body,
My soul would have departed long ago.
At my bedside, kneeling,
You will speak to me still,
And will hopelessly wait
For answers from my still lips.
Don't bother to hug me
Don't bother to warm me.
My heart is so startled,
That I don't even care that I am dying.
When tomorrow in my grave
All alone they leave me,
Oh then, come and warm the cold earth that covers me.
My end is near,
I cannot move,
I cannot think.
My heart is broken into pieces.
It is so hard for one so young to die.


I cannot complain,
I can only sigh.
Nothing else comes out
From my dry bosom,
Lost amid dust and mud,
One day I shall disappear,
Nameless, my tomb unmarked.

Title Unknown

At night sleeping in front of the chimney, on the carpet,
Watching the blazing fire.
I listen to its crackling sounds,
And I think of sweet dreams,
That end up in the fire.

Encoded by: Lori A.